

*Injuries Compensation – Crime*

CrimeIf you been a victim of violence in a crime be that an assault, mugging or any type of criminal act culminating in a person being injured, you are entitled to seek compensation for your injuries from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal.


Our constitution dictates, the state guarantees in the law, to respect, and, as far as practicable, by its laws to defend and vindicate the personal rights of the citizen. It also states that our laws should protect people from unjust attack.


A Criminal Injuries Compensation tribunal was set up in 1974 to compensate victims of crime for loss from personal injuries.


3 Month Rule!


An application for compensation should be made pretty quickly after the crime. A victim has a 3 month time frame to complete and register their application with the criminal injuries tribunal.


This 3 month rule does Not apply where a fatality has occurred.


Application Forms for victims of crimes can be found on


There are two Application Forms:


  • Non-fatal Injury Application Form; and
  • Fatal Injury Application Form.


Reporting the Incident to the Gardai


To qualify for compensation it will be necessary to inform the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal that the offence giving rise to the injury is/has been subject to criminal proceedings, or that it was reported to the Gardai. The injuries use the report from the Gardai in assessing the application for compensation for the criminally inflicted injury.


Persons who can claim compensation before the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal


  • A person who sustained and injury ( victim );


  • Any person responsible for the maintenance of the victim who has suffered pecuniary loss or incurred any expenses as a result of the victims injuries;


  • Where the victim has died as a result of the injury, and dependent of the victim or, if he has no dependent, any person who incurred expenses as a result of the death;


  • Where the victim has died otherwise than as a result of the injury, any dependent of the victim.


Will the person making the application need to attend the Criminal Injuries Tribunal


This is unlikely.


The Tribunal will mostly make their decision on any award of compensation without the need of the applicant. If there is an oral hearing, then yes, an applicat should most definitely attend the hearing. Your application will benefit from your attendance.


Will the Criminal Injuries Tribunal oral hearing (if required) take place in private.




Will I need legal representation at the Criminal Injuries Tribunal


This is entirely up to yourself.


Will the perpetrator of the crime in question be at the Injuries Tribunal


No, not under any circumstance.


If have any questions about seeking injuries compensation we can help.


Make a Personal Injury Enquiry !


If you have been injured a consequence of crime, make a Free Enquiry now by contacting us in one of the following ways to find out what options are open to you. We have a Free Enquiry, No obligations policy.


Contact Us:


1. Call us on 052 61 21999 between the hours of 9am to 5pm – Monday to Friday.


2. Email us – – with a contact number and we will call you back.


3. Fill out our online Enquiry Form.

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