Discrimination – Interview Process

The Equality Acts legislation prohibits discrimination for employees in a workplace environment and provides rights for employees to activate if discrimination arises, which can include discrimination in the interview process.

If you wish to contact us to discuss, we can be contacted on (01) 546 1121 or  (052) 612 1999 or info@clearysolicitors.com

At Cleary & Co. we specialise in Employment Law and have many years of experience dealing with disputes successfully at this stage.

discrimination interview process

Discrimination falls into a set number of categories and occurs when one person is treated less favourably than another person is, has been or would be treated in a comparable situation on any of the following grounds:

  • that one is a woman and the other is a man;
  •  that they are of different civil status;
  • that one has family status and the other does not;
  • that they are of different sexual orientation;
  • that one has a different religious belief from the other;
  • that they are of different ages
  • that one is a person with a disability;
  • that they are of different race, colour, nationality or ethnic or national origins;
  • that one is a member of the traveller  community.

The scope of protection afforded by the legislation does not only cover a person once they become an employee.

If a job applicant attends an interview and discrimination arises in the form of race, for example, the legislation covers access to employment in terms of prohibiting discrimination.

The scope of prohibited conduct is wide and covers each stage of the employment journey.


Please be advised that the above-mentioned material is intended as an overview and as a broad out-line of the topic discussed. It should not be considered as complete and comprehensive legal advice, nor act as an appropriate substitute.

Legal advice should be obtained from a solicitor prior to relying on anything in this article.

Due care has been taken in the publication of this article and we do not accept legal liability as a result of reliance on any material covered in the above article.

Cleary & Co. Solicitors – Litigation Law Firm

If you have an employment law issue and wish to discuss it, Kieran Cleary and Roger Cleary are experienced Employment Law Solicitors who can help with questions you may have regarding such a matter.

Contact details are (01) 546 1121 or  (052) 612 1999 or our email address is info@clearysolicitors.com

Cleary & Co. have many years of experience specialising in employment law and have successful track record resolving disputes.

Personal Injuries * In contentious business, a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.

Discrimination - Interview Process

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