Spouse / Civil Partner of Irish Citizen – Stamp 4
If you are from a visa required country, you will need a visa to travel to Ireland.
You can check if you are from a visa required country here.
If you require a visa and are a spouse or civil partner of an Irish national, this post will give you information about the application process.
If you have any questions about visa applications, we will be happy to help.

How to Apply
A visa must be applied for vis a vis the avats platform.
Where to submit the paperwork will be specified on the application form.
Supporting documentation will include evidence of the relationship, finances, details of the sponsor, travel insurance amongst other documentation.
Detail of finances are set out in the Policy Document on Non-EEA Family Reunification.
Join Family Visa Application – Irish National Spouse
The family member you intend to reside in Ireland with must have an immigration status within the state, such as, being an Irish Citizen or lawfully resident here.
Persons do not obtain automatic residence rights in Ireland upon marriage to an Irish national. If the spouse obtains permission they are allowed to work in live in Ireland with Stamp 4, which means they will not need a work permit.
For visa required persons, a visa application is made to the Minister for Justice vis a vis the avats platform. Visa fee for a single entry is €60 and €100 for multi entry.
Qualifying Sponsor
If the sponsor is an Irish citizen, they must have earned gross income not below €40,000 over a three year period prior to the join family application being made.
The person the applicant seeks to reside with in Ireland must be a qualified sponsor of an applicant for family reunification. The sponsor assumes responsibilities for the family member who comes to Ireland. Evidence of the relationship will need to be provided.
The onus of proof in such applications regarding the familial relationship is on the applicant.
Any documents provided with the application not in English must be translated. If the document is a government issued document, such as, a birth certificate then the persons respective Ministry of Foreign Affairs must attest as genuine this type of document. Passport photos should be in date and not more than 6 months old. The sponsors banking records should cover a 6 month timeframe up to the date of the application. The sponsor can include their Employment Detail Summary.
If Permission is Granted
If the permission is granted, the spouse may obtain stamp 4 which will allow them to work without a work permit.
A successful applicant must attend with GNIB Garda National Immigration Bureau for registration, and must attend the meeting with their Irish Spouse.
The registration certificate is the Irish Residence Permit card you can put into your wallet.
Change in Circumstances
While the spouse is residing in Ireland after obtaining immigration permission, and there has been a change of circumstances in the form of a legal separation / divorce, the person can seek to retain their permission. The Department of Justice must be notified within seven days of such a circumstance and retention permission sought. The parties must have been married for 3 years and have resided in Ireland for 2 years while married.
Immigration Solicitors
If you have questions about residence visas, you can speak with an immigration solicitor on (01) 546 1121 or (052) 612 1999.
Residence Card
A successful applicant spouse can obtain Stamp 4 permission which is subject to a renewal.
Application Processing Time
The processing time can vary but it can take approximately 7 months.
Visa Decision
If you are granted permission, you must register with Garda National Immigration Bureau and your spouse should arrange an appointment with the officer at the immigration office local to you. It will be necessary to obtain your Irish Residence card from the immigration office.
Visa Decision Appeal
If an applicant is unsuccessful in their application then reasons will be furnished to them for the refusal. If an application is refused, the applicant only has a short timeframe to appeal.
Please be advised that the above-mentioned material is intended as an overview and as a broad outline of the topic discussed. It should not be considered as complete and comprehensive legal advice, nor act as an appropriate substitute.