Irish Immigration News Updates

We have provided the latest Immigration news updates for all our clients and readers. There have been several changes recently so read on to keep up to date.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to help.

Immigration News Updates


Beginning on the 1st of January 2022 persons seeking citizenship will Not be required to submit their original passport with the application.

Alternatively, they can provide a colour copy of their passport, which will include the front and the back covers. This must be witnessed by a solicitor and included with the application form. All of the passport should be copied and furnished with your application for naturalisation.

Identify & Residency

Persons who hold an Irish Residence Permit card which was in date as of March 2020, now have the permit card validity extended to the 15th of January 2022. Therefore, the Non-EEA European Economic Area national leaving and returning to Ireland before the 15th of January 2022 can avail of the expired card unil that date.

You will need the Travel Confirmation Notice.

If you return to Ireland after the 15th of January 20022 next, it would be necessary to apply for residence renewal before your travel date. If you wish to obtain an urgent appointment with the Dublin immigration office, you should provide to them your flight ticket to see if an appointment can be arranged.

The Department will be moving to a ‘scorecard approach’ with respect to proving residency and identity.

For doctors working in the HSE or in voluntary hospitals, their employment history summary can be accepted as proof of residence.

Visa re-entry requirements for children under the age 16 are also suspended until the 15th of January 2022.

Short Stay Visa Programme Resumed

As of the 31st of October 2021 the Short Stay Visa Waiver programmed recommenced.

The short stay visa waiver programme allows certain nationals who have obtained a UK short stay visa, to travel to Ireland without the need for an Irish Visa.

This programme was suspended due to covid 19.

Irish Afghanistan Admission Programme

On the 28th of September 2021 the government announced the Afghan Admission Programme.

An Afghan person living in Ireland before September 2021 can nominate 4 close family members living in Afghanistan or who have fled to another country, to obtain residence permission in Ireland.

This would allow the persons access to the labour market without having to obtain an employment permit.

Applicants will have to meet the family members eligibility criteria.

The Minister announced applications are opening in December 2021.

There will be an appeals process for unsuccessful applicants.

Transit Visas

The Minister has announced on the 16th of June 2021 the temporary entry and transit visa restrictions for nationals of certain South American countries and South Africa would be lifted.

Therefore persons travelling to Ireland from Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Guyana, Paraguay, South Africa, Uruguay would not need to apply for a transit visa.

You can check if you need pre-clearance here.

Immigration Lawyer

If you have questions about immigration law matters, you can speak with an immigration lawyer on (01) 546 1121 or  (052) 612 1999.


Please be advised that the above-mentioned material is intended as an overview and as a broad out-line of the topic discussed. It should not be considered as complete and comprehensive legal advice, nor act as an appropriate substitute.

Due care has been taken in the publication of this article and we do not accept legal liability as a result of reliance on any material covered in the above article.

Areas of Immigration Law We Cover

Visas Covid 19 related Update June 2021Ireland Work Permits – Nurses Investor Visa
Healthcare Worker – Employment PermitsVisa Permission RenewalSubsidiary International Protection
Reactivation Employment PermitInternship Employment Permit
Deportation Order IrelandGeneral Employment Permit IrelandDoctors Work Permits Ireland
Contract for Services Employment PermitRegistering for Immigration PermissionCritical Skills Work Permit
VisasIrish Citizenship Information Guide 2024Intra-Company Transfer Employment Permits
Immigration Permissions UpdateEU Citizens RightsAppeal a Visa Decision
Children & CitizenshipTourist VisaTransit Visas
Working Holiday Visa AuthorisationEmployment Permit RefusalInternational Protection / Asylum
Civil Partnership Residence Application Ireland
Family Members & EU Treaty Rights
Identity Card & EU Citizens
Student Visa Ireland
Business Visa Ireland
Application for Family Reunification in Ireland
Parent of Irish Child – Family Reunification De Facto Partner of Irish Citizen -Family Reunification
Family Reunification Ireland – Critical Skills Work Permit
Long Term Residency
Family Reunification G.E.P.
Application for International Protection
Spouse / Civil Partner of Irish Citizen –
Family Reunification
EU Treaty Rights & DescendantsFamily Reunification International Protection
EU Treaty Rights Decision Review
EU Treaty Rights & Civil Partners
EU Treaty Rights & Spouses
EU Treaty Rights Residence CardWork Permits Ireland
Roger Cleary

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