Toluene Exposure Injury Claim*

Employers have duties to administer and monitor toluene exposure and to ensure employees stay under the exposure limits and work hours.

Toluene Exposure Injury Claim*

What is Toluene?

It is also known as phenyl methane or methylbenzene. It’s a water-insoluble and colourless liquid or solvent. The following are examples of toluene can be found in:

  • Paints
  • Thinners
  • Lacquers
  • Glues
  • Nail polish remover
  • Correction fluid

Toluene has several industrial and commercial applications.

Types of Workers who have a high risk to Toluene Exposure

If you work in the following industries, there may be a risk of toluene exposure:

  • Engineering
  • Textiles
  • Dry cleaning
  • Woodworking
  • Construction
  • Footwear Manufacturer
  • Printing
How the agent can enter the body

When you work with the above-listed industries, the risk of chemical entry to your body increases.

With low, inadequate or no appropriate safety measures implemented, the chemical agent can enter the body through:

Skin Contact

In a laboratory setting, skin presents a significant route for chemical entry into your body.

The upper layers of the skin is a barrier to several chemicals.

However, some chemical solvents can penetrate through your skin. Example of the solution include:

  • Toluene compounds
  • Phenol
  • Organic mercury

The molecular weight and lipid solubility of these chemical agents determines their ability to pass through your skin directly.


The most significant route of entry to the body is through inhalation for airborne substances, specifically solvent vapours like toluene.

There is a greater surface area in the lungs that enhances the absorption of chemical solvents.

The size and type of any airborne contaminants may harm the lungs through the passage to your lungs. Hence, they cause injury.

Trans Placental

There is a possibility for pregnant women exposed to such a chemical to transfer or metabolize such agents through the placenta of the expected child.

This can lead to an impact on the unborn embryo or fetus.


Chemicals may enter the body through direct or indirect ingestion. Absorption of chemical agents through the digestive tract via ingestion have potential route entry exposure.

Exposed to Damaged Skin

Chemical agents may enter the body where they have contact with the damaged skin, For instance, abrasions and cuts.

There are risks in certain workplaces where contaminated sharps objects or tools are in use.

How is Toluene harmful to the body?

Inhaling and ingesting toluene concentration can result in several neurological and respiratory illnesses, including:

  • Bronchitis
  • Nausea
  • Lungs, Liver and Kidney damage
  • Mood swings
  • Confusion, delusions, and hallucinations
  • Asthma (occupational)
  • Throat, nose, mouth and lungs inflammations
  • Chronic fatigues
  • Severely may result in deafness, blindness, coma and even death
How do you deal with Toluene?

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Acts

Employers have duties to administer and monitor toluene exposure and to ensure employees stay under the exposure limits and work hours. Working hours should be 8 hours a day.

Employers have the duty of making policies and regulations that include the following:

  • How chemical agent risk hazardous can be determined, assessed, and controlled.
  • They should also provide adequate training to deal with accidents incidences, and emergencies.

Toluene Exposure Limits

The permissible limit is 200 ppm on average of 8 hours.

Law of Negligence

Negligence is the failure to practise a reasonable duty of care to avoid causing injuries or damage to somebody else. The fact of the accident occurring must have been reasonably foreseeable.

Case Assessment Advice

If you wish you can contact us by telephone or email and we will have an initial meeting with you to explore the facts and furnish a case opinion to you and advise you about the process of a toluene exposure injury claim.


Please be advised that the above-mentioned material is intended as an overview and as a broad outline of the topic discussed. It should not be considered as complete and comprehensive legal advice, nor act as an appropriate substitute.

Due care has been taken in the publication of this article and we do not accept legal liability as a result of reliance on any material covered in the above article.

In contentious business, a Solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement. 

Toluene Exposure Injury Claim*

Areas of Personal Injury Law

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Accident at Work – Healthcare Worker
Injuries Board Application Guide

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Road Traffic Accident Claim
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Back Injury at Work Legal GuideSpecial Damages
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Workplace PTSD

Mother & Baby Institutions
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Catholic Schools Abuse
Dermatitis & Employers
Obligations at the Workplace

Personal Injury Claim Guide 2024

Mediation – Personal Injuries Board

Enquiry Form